Wednesday 26 January 2011

Project: Identity

Planning a future project today, identity of decades. Basically nostalgic items and styles of each decade in a studio. rubix cube, original gameboy and tetris, tamagotchi and amiga 1200. I'll post the results when I'm done.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Project print

Here's one I had lying around from my first project this year, I was branding and making an identity for a local surf company and this was a print onto canvas with white acrylic. It didn't really turn out too well due to the fact that it peeled too early but many people seemed to of liked it. I'll try dig up my poster I did for this project too.


For anyone who's interested, I took this on the way back from my friends at 2:45ish am (okay so not exactly 3am but hey!). I couldn't keep the camera still as I was trying to sheild it from rain at the time so the end result came out slightly blurry. Had to put it through paint as the original image was 3.2 MB O_o then into GIMP for the watermark. If anyone ever reads this, hope you enjoy the blog and hope it helps!